The Magician (April 15 – May 1)


Eloquence Blog about the Magician event

Seraphim Blog about the Magician event

Designer List (Updated: 15.04.2015)

  • Anc
  • Aparecium
  • Ayashi
  • Blue Blood
  • Come Soon Poses
  • Figment
  • Fuubutsu Dou
  • Larissa Starostin (Lar’s Workshop)
  • Lyrical B!zarre Templates
  • Little Llama
  • !Ohmai
  • PixyStix
  • Star matter Creations
  • [TfAtN]
  • Unrepentant

Ideas for event items:

  • Necklaces, earrings, sets: Pentacle, Eternity Symbol
  • Red and/or black cape
  • Red and/or white scarf
  • White gloves
  • Doves
  • Lilies, roses, ivies
  • Spellbook, spell effects
  • Juggler outfit, balls, props
  • Wizard outfit, beard, hat
  • Symbols
  • Suits, ties… stage magician outfit

A few quotes for you if you don’t have the time to research:


The Magician, The Magus, or The Juggler (I) is the first trump or Major Arcana card in most traditional Tarot decks.

In French Le Bateleur, “the mountebank” or the “sleight of hand artist”, is a practitioner of stage magic. The Italian tradition calls him Il Bagatto or Il Bagatello. The Mantegna Tarocchi image that would seem to correspond with the Magician is labeled Artixano, the Artisan; he is the second lowest in the series, outranking only the Beggar.

In the Magician’s right hand is a wand raised toward heaven, the sky or the element æther, while his left hand is pointing to the earth. This iconographic gesture has multiple meanings, but is endemic to the Mysteries, symbolizing divine immanence, the ability of the magician to bridge the gap between heaven and earth. On the table in front of the Magician the symbols of the four Tarot suits signify the Classical elements of earth, air, fire and water. Beneath are roses and lilies, the flos campi and lilium convallium,[7] changed into garden flowers, to show the culture of aspiration.[8]

Biddy Tarot:

The Magician is associated with the planet, Mercury and carries with it skill, logic, and intellect. The number of the Magician is one, the number of beginnings. The Magician is the bridge between the world of the spirit and the world of humanity. His right hand holds a staff raised toward the sky and his left hand points to the earth. He takes the power of the Universe and channels it through his own body and directs it to the physical plane. Above the Magician’s head is the symbol of eternity and around his waist is a snake biting its own tail, another symbol of eternity. His magical table holds all four suits of the Tarot, each of which represents one of the four primordial elements of the alchemists – earth, air, fire and water. These symbolise the appropriate use of mind, heart, body and soul in the process of manifestation. The Magician’s robe is white, symbolising the purity and innocence found in the Fool but his cloak is red, representing worldly experience and knowledge. In the bed of flowers at his feet this duality is repeated in the mix of pure white lilies and thorny red roses


Traveling on his way, the Fool first encounters a Magician. Skillful, self-confident, a powerful magus with the infinite as a halo floating above his head, the Magician mesmerizes the Fool. When asked, the Fool gives over his bundled pack and stick to the Magician. Raising his wand to heaven, pointing his finger to Earth, the Magician calls on all powers. Magically, the cloth of the pack unfolds upon the table, revealing its contents.

To the Fool’s eyes, it is as if the Magician has created the future with a word. All the possibilities are laid out, all the directions he can take: The cool, airy Sword of intellect and communication, the fiery Wand of passions and ambition, the overflowing Chalice of love and emotions, the solid Pentacle of work, possessions and body.

With these tools, the Fool can create anything, make anything of his life. But here’s the question, did the Magician create the tools, or were they already in the pack? Only the Magician knows – and on this mystery, our eloquent mage refuses to say a word.

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